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Want a seminar in Kosho – Ryu Kenpo
by Great Grandmaster Mitose?

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Kosho Ryu Kenpo International Black Belts Seminar

Seminar taught in the city of San Francisco, California October 2017.
From October 27 to 30, 2017, a Seminar was held by Soke Thomas Mitose, Hanshi Mark Mitose and Grand Master Tony Bowles.
We have the assistance of several of our representatives, to whom we deeply appreciate your assistance:
Shihan Antonio Delicado Fresneda, Spain.
Shihan Christian Estay, Chile.
Shihan Ali López Castellanos, Mexico.
Shihan Aldo Ojeda, Mexico.
Renshi Rogelio Rueda, Mexico.
Sensei Diego Bagur D’Andrea, Bolivia.
This Seminar was of special relevance, since our representatives Katas of the Mitose Family that had not previously been taught, as well as the application of the pressure points of the body, were taught in the self defense techniques of Kosho Ryu.
We thank Reverend Masato Kawahatsu for the beautiful ceremony he officiated at the Renshi Dojo Darryl Dobashi.
We especially want to thank Shihan Kennet Torres and Renshi Darryl Dobashi, for all the attentions and support that they offered for the realization of this seminar.